Cheer Tumbling Programs
Cheer / Tumbling 16 years old and up
Cheer / Tumbling 1 is for beginners with little or no prior tumbling training. This is where your child's tumbling training starts.
Cheer / Tumbling 26 years old & up
Cheer Tumbling 2: Students that can do a cartwheel, back bend kick over, back walkover & round off. Does NOT have a back handspring but ready to start working on it. GOAL : TO LEARN A BACK HAND SPRING
Cheer / Tumbling 3&48 years and up
Cheer Tumbling 3&4: Now we are ready for some serious Tumbling. The student MUST be able to do a back hand spring with out a spot. Ready to work on round off back handspring, multiple back handsprings, Working back tucks, layouts , fulls and double fulls.
**NEW**Tumbling Power Hour9 years and up
Must be Tumbling level 2 , 3 or 4 This Class is structured and has the entire gym to themselves. Crank up the music get the 4 best tumbling coaches around and lets get to work. Work the same tumbling skills as level 2, 3 & 4. including long Tumbling passes, standing back hand springs, back tucks, layouts, fulls.....EACH STUDENT WILL WORK AT THEIR OWN LEVEL
Goal: EACH STUDENT WILL WORK AT THEIR OWN LEVEL. This is a structured class with the gym set up into several different stations with a coach at each station. STANDING SKILLS: set up to work back handsprings, standing back tucks... down a wedge, off a block, on a spring board. TRAMPOLINE: Working new skills on trampoline to get them ready to move to the floor. FLOOR TUMBLING PASSES: Working tumbling passes on the floor. TUMBLE TRACK: working long tumbling passes on a long trampoline.
Upcoming Events
Feb -
Feb -